SALVIMAR FLOPPER EURO 7 MM$1.750,00PrecioCAPTURE shaft single Bottom Flopper - 17-4phINOX 17-4PH shaft, shark fins realized with M.I.M. technology - Metal Injection Molding - applied with laser welding. New barb with scaled profile, available with single and double barbMedidaElegirCantidadAgregar al carrito
SALVIMAR FLOPPER EURO 7 MM$1.750,00PrecioCAPTURE shaft single Bottom Flopper - 17-4phINOX 17-4PH shaft, shark fins realized with M.I.M. technology - Metal Injection Molding - applied with laser welding. New barb with scaled profile, available with single and double barbMedidaElegirCantidadAgregar al carrito